Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My baseball game

As you can see this is my baseball game
this is my gear I used to play.

This is my batting pose
and our dog basking in

This is me catching
silly looking aren't I.

Uh-oh misconveniences
we will be with you shortly.

So with my gear my batting pose and hope I
got a hit to first got a steak and had some fun.


Lief said...

You strike an imposing figure.
The only pitcher who might have a chance, it seems, would be a Puppy Pitcher.

Looks like you are enjoying the game-I like to watch and play baseball too.

Great Grumpy Z. said...

You let that little, white puppy get you down? [I'll bet you enjoyed getting your face washed that time, didn't you?!]

Is a mean-looking face part of your batting pose? You know, to intimidate the pitcher -- by showing him that you can take (hit) anything he throws your way (in the strike zone, that means)!!

Great Grumpy Z. said...

Yep! On close examination, I see that indeed you have that fierce, determined, unafraid look of the batter who will smash the first ball crossing the strike zone. Moreover, that look means that those "funny things" thrown my way, but outside or high will get a "pass" from you -- you won't swing at such things.

That's my boy!!

Mom said...

Hi Jamey,

Those were great pictures! It looked like Snowbear was guarding you and your baseball gear, and then got carried away with all the fun!

Bop-op said...

Wonderful story! Thanks for sharing.

Momsie said...

Love that gear and the fact that you are playing baseball, it is such a fun sport. You bring back really good memories for me of my little boys !

Glad that your Dad followed through on his promise and filled you up with some steak!

Hey maybe you could hit the ball and have Snowbear run to base for you?