Monday, October 20, 2008

Welcome to My Blog

I like to read stories about magic and dragons and mythical creatures and things like that...

My dad (James Zimmerman) has a blog too, and on his blog he likes typing things about funny stuff he sees and interesting things... 

Mommy (Heidi Zimmerman) just made a blog and she named it The Heidicoaster. 

Arthur (Zimmerman) doesn't have a blog... he's playing Wii right now. Arthur spent all his money on it.


Bop-op said...

Welcome to the blog-o-sphere!

I love stories about mythical creatures too.

Mom said...

Hi Jamey,

I have two questions. First, what is the electrifying shock of Jamey? Second, what do you spend your money on?

Grandma Jill

James Zimmerman said...

to jill: Aren't you shocked? And I spend my money on toys.

Lief said...

Welcome. I am glad that you have a blog cause I like to see your smiling face in your profile and I like to be shocked.
One time BopOp dared me (without much trouble) to shock my tongue with two bare wires and a lot of volts from a toy called a "1000 in 1 kit".

After that happened I felt like I had a hole in my tongue.
But it went away.

Great Grumpy Z. said...

Hi Jamey or Beeboo,
I'm glad to see you have started your own BLOG. I will be looking forward to reading what you say on your BLOG and also what pictures you may post.

Have you looked at GrumpyZz BLOG?

Jane said...

I enjoyed reading your blog. I loved your gardem too. I particularly liked the J pretzel you had. Guess why?

Maybe you can come see us next year with your brother and folks. THe girls love knowing their cousins and talk about you all the time.

Love AUnt Jane

James Zimmerman said...

Aunt Jane,

This is my guess. Because your name starts with J!
