Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Wonderful Garden

Yesterday we went to Betty Davenport's house and we visited a big place full of trees. And Arthur wanted to climb some trees and I wanted to too, so I found Arthur and he was swinging on a branch. So I tried to too and I asked Mom if she could take a picture. This is me swinging on a branch.

And again I found Arthur, but this time he was on a different tree and he was sitting on a branch. So I got envious and wanted Arthur to tell me how to do it. So I did it and asked Mom to take another picture.

This place was filled full of plants and flowers and flowers and flowers more. Betty gave me lemon balm and some other herb and I crumpled them up together to make what Dad says is "an unusually good smell". Betty picked some peppermint and I got to eat it. Arthur didn't like it so I got to eat more (alright!!!!). And she gave us some peppermint plants to take home.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Help Us Dad-Konobi, you are the chickens' only hope

Arthur had the idea of Mom making a message on my voice thing saying "Help us Dad-Konobi, you are the chicken's only hope", because Dad had the idea of watching Star Wars. And also because Mom usually wants Dad to go water the chickens.

P.S. That means give them water.

So I did record this message and it sounds really funny and I can't wait to use it today on Dad.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

A New Finished Quilt

Do you remember this quilt that I made? Guess what? I entered this quilt in the sewing contest and got a purple ribbon. That means I got best of class. I am going on to State with my quilt.

I just completed two more tops, then I just need to quilt the bottom, bind them, border them, and then stuff them.

!!!!!!!Another blog by the Electrifying Shock of Jamey!!!!!!!!!